Tag: ‘family portraits’

joshua ty, one month old… 1 feb ’09

Sunday, February 1st, 2009

we had to wake him up for his photoshoot – so he paid us back by stopping for lunch about 15 times 😉 but all things considered he was a very patient and accommodating wee boy. he has changed a lot since his first newborn photos (5th jan) but is still a relaxed & happy baby overall. and, mum & dad didn’t do too badly in front of the camera either!

here’s the top picks from the day…

and here’s one that i had a little play with… you’ll either love it or hate it 😉

baby brianna and family… 28 jan ’09

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009

little brianna made things easy for me today because she has recently learned to sit up on her own! she has the same gorgeous eyes that her older sister and brother share, and the same happy placid temperament too. what a little sweetheart! and it was fun catching up with their mum too 🙂

enough chatter – here are my favourites…

welcome joshua ty… 5 jan ’09

Monday, January 5th, 2009

after making his poor mum wait an extra SIXTEEN days for his arrival, little joshua ty was born 2 days ago and is now safely home with mum, dad and his two big sisters. what a little cutie – so peaceful and quiet; and very curious when he was awake!

here’s a few brand-new baby preview shots… watch this space for his official portraits which are due to be taken in a little while


another favourite!

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