Tag: ‘family portraits’

party of five… 7 jun ’15

Sunday, June 7th, 2015

another of my favourite kind of photo shoot: adults, kids, and family pet playing together at the park 🙂 this collage is only a small selection of the collection of portraits which they took home, but you do get a good idea of how the shoot went, from seeing these…

auckland family portrait photography

numero una… 7 jun ’15

Sunday, June 7th, 2015

you can tell who’s number one in this family – Una is! hence the title 🙂

she belongs to Grace but everyone loves her, and why not, she’s awesome!
and do notice the toadstools in the bottom left photo – i love how huge they are next to her little legs

auckland pet portrait photography

winter walk… 1 jun ’15

Monday, June 1st, 2015

look at these two perfect white puffballs! you might imagine it’s probably a mistake to take them on a muddy bush track in winter, expecting to get pretty white photos of them. and – you’d be right. but they actually stayed pretty clean, considering. and photoshop took care of the rest. what do you think?

auckland pet portrait photography

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