Tag: ‘dog portraits’

the family dog… 26 apr ’15

Sunday, April 26th, 2015

it’s always great fun to include family pets in the session, and the Thompsons were no exception 🙂 Boston was the star of this show, and i enjoyed observing and capturing how different his relationships were with each human family member.

we did this shoot at sunset and the lights were just coming on in the city behind as we wrapped up the final shot of the day, which i have placed at the bottom of the collage below 🙂

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

obi’s baby… 26 oct ’14

Sunday, October 26th, 2014

mixing my two favourite photography subjects: children and pets! obi was so gorgeous with “his” wee baby girl… i believe all children should grow up surrounded by loved family pets 🙂 just look how much love there is here!

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

twelve happy paws… 15 sep ’14

Monday, September 15th, 2014

see what i did there with the post title? ok – you possibly don’t because i haven’t told you yet that these dogs and dozens of others were photographed at Happy Pawes Dog Daycare and Training – which is a fabulous place on the North Shore to take your dogs to play if you’re out of the home a lot during the day. they get socialised with other dogs in their weight class and basically tire themselves out. they even have a separate playroom just for puppies (who get lots more naptime).

here’s a few quick promo shots – there were many more but these will do for now 🙂

auckland pet photography

auckland pet photography

auckland pet photography

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