byDizine… 28 mar ’14

March 28th, 2014

something a little bit different for me – but i had a ball shooting lovely Dianne Carian of byDizine (interior design services) in the absolutely stunning interiors showroom of James Dunlop. so many gorgeous furnishings… so much colour – and so much pretty fresh white light! amazing place to shoot. Dianne was a star too, she had wardrobe changes ready and had really thought carefully about where and how she wanted to appear. i think at the beginning she may have been a little nervous but that soon wore off and we just had fun for the rest of the time.

here’s my faves…

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auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

all about smudge… 26 mar ’14

March 26th, 2014

dear Smudge belonged to Nancy Cate of KnowledgeTree Transformational Healing. he was a much-loved resident of Nancy’s home clinic – and as can be seen in these photos, he had become very much a senior citizen.

due to Smudge’s fragility, the session was very short and low-key. and when it was over, Smudge went to his bowl for a much-earned snack! here’s my faves…

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

our animal companions reach the end of their time with us long before we are ready for them to go. sadly, Smudge passed away not many weeks after these photos were taken. he is greatly missed! i feel privileged to have been able to make these photographs for Nancy to keep.

all the girls… 25 mar ’14

March 25th, 2014

three generations of girls in this special family shoot! featuring the two cutest little daughters imaginable with lovely golden hair… this was a very fun shoot at Long Bay beach and park. kids can be a handful to put in front of a camera – which is why it’s important that the shoot is at a fun place, with plenty of room to move and plenty of things to see.

the hole in the sand was a big hit, as were the bubbles – here’s my favourites!

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

the bubble dance!
auckland lifestyle photography

this is MY stump
auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

what we have to do sometimes to get a happy family photo
auckland lifestyle photography

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