rainy days change photo session plans! but on this occasion we just decided to stay indoors, and spent about an hour creating these lovely family photos. wee Katia was excitedly waiting for her new baby sister to arrive – so she joined in the games.
just three days til baby… 13 jul ’14
July 13th, 2014well – it’s not three days anymore, but back when i took these photos – it was! Rebecca sure doesn’t show it though, does she! we went to Long Bay one evening and made these baby bump portraits for them – and here they are!
now there are six… 27 apr ’14
April 27th, 2014this family have been my friends for many years, and back in 2009 i photographed them soon after the birth of their fifth child. this time – baby number six has arrived, and now they have a matched set of three girls and three boys 🙂
the great thing about so many children is that there is basically an unlimited number of ways to photograph them! so we had great fun – but also had to be mindful of baby’s tolerance levels. therefore he doesn’t appear in some of the last photos – he was having a snack!
here’s my top picks 🙂
the baby alarm has gone off! time for a break 🙂
this is what happens when dad is left alone with all the older kids
the stick placement in the bottom photo looks like someone is taking a bathroom break
face-pulling contest!