princess in pink… 19 aug ’14

August 19th, 2014

had to quickly share some sweet sleepy photos of this wee princess!

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

waiting for baby… 10 aug ’14

August 10th, 2014

a spring baby means a late winter baby-bump photo session… but you’d never know it to see these two! gorgeous AND tough, they braved the chilly winds in the name of looking amazing – and they rocked it 🙂

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

winter reunion… 3 aug ’14

August 3rd, 2014

a rainy rainy winter’s morning – and everyone’s come to visit! great excuse to get a photographer to come over and join in 🙂
this was a fun and relaxing lifestyle shoot, just wandering around at Nicky’s family home, capturing the action and laid-back conversation. memories that will never fade!

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

auckland lifestyle photography

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