just a bit of fun… 24 sep ’14

September 24th, 2014

i do rather a lot of photography work for a local school… and on this occasion i was asked to get a portrait of the current Board of Trustees. the Principal asked me jokingly to “give him a bit more hair” so of course i had to oblige 🙂 and yes – because he’s a wonderfully good sport, he did give me permission to publish this version.

auckland portrait photography

when he saw the photo he did mention that he was expecting something more like Elvis… but i much prefer this, don’t you? 🙂


auckland portrait photography

spacious home in the bush… 17 sep ’14

September 17th, 2014

some real estate photography for a regular client – after a bit of a renovation and restyle 🙂

auckland promotional photography

twelve happy paws… 15 sep ’14

September 15th, 2014

see what i did there with the post title? ok – you possibly don’t because i haven’t told you yet that these dogs and dozens of others were photographed at Happy Pawes Dog Daycare and Training – which is a fabulous place on the North Shore to take your dogs to play if you’re out of the home a lot during the day. they get socialised with other dogs in their weight class and basically tire themselves out. they even have a separate playroom just for puppies (who get lots more naptime).

here’s a few quick promo shots – there were many more but these will do for now 🙂

auckland pet photography

auckland pet photography

auckland pet photography

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