reagan’s 21st… 22 nov ’14

November 22nd, 2014

just a couple of quick pics from this awesome party 🙂

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

woolly tree… 7 nov ’14

November 7th, 2014

local yarn bombers having a ball dressing Devonport’s roadside pohutukawa tree in festive colours one rainy morning…

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

obi’s baby… 26 oct ’14

October 26th, 2014

mixing my two favourite photography subjects: children and pets! obi was so gorgeous with “his” wee baby girl… i believe all children should grow up surrounded by loved family pets 🙂 just look how much love there is here!

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

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