Archive: ‘random thoughts’

two ships passing in the night… 12 feb ’09

Thursday, February 12th, 2009

the brief: get up in the middle of the night & photograph the Cunard cruise liner MS Queen Victoria as she passes by Rangitoto Island – with part of the client’s school in the foreground of the shot. this presented a small logistical problem as the ship was due to arrive over an hour before dawn – which means long exposure needed to see any of the landscape at all – but a moving object like a ship (even at that distance) turns into a set of blurred white lines on any exposure slower than 1/10 seconds.

solution? take two different photos, one of the ship at relatively fast speeds, and another of the scenery without the ship at about 40 seconds exposure, and combine them. and as it turned out, i got two ships for the price of one: because a freighter, dwarfed by the giant cruiser, followed it in to port…

slight update for blog location… 27 jan ’09

Tuesday, January 27th, 2009

just a quick post to let you all know that i have created a subdomain for the blog and consequently the URL will change slightly – so please update your RSS & browser bookmarks 🙂

and because we can’t have a post without a picture – here’s one of my personal favourites from this month

first post… 8 jul ’08

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008

ok, so i’ve finally joined the trend and now am running a blog – which will showcase my personal favourites from client photography, starting from jan 2008 (yes, some of these first posts will be retrospective). watch this space – and don’t forget to subscribe in your reader.

in my own time i am hardly ever without a camera in my hand, as i love to shoot all kinds of things for myself too. visit my facebook page if you want to stay updated on some of the things i enjoy photographing, as i will be posting random favourites there from time to time – and while you’re there: become a fan!

i hope you enjoy browsing my photos – if you want to know more or are interested in talking about a session, please e-mail me – and thanks for visiting!

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