Archive: ‘random thoughts’

who says ‘never work with children or animals’?… 14 feb ’10

Sunday, February 14th, 2010

babies and toddlers (and pets too) have a special quality absent in most other human portrait subjects that makes them very rewarding to photograph: they are utterly unselfconscious in front of a camera, being largely unaware of its purpose. they don’t shrink, get shy, pose, act, or pull exaggerated/artificial facial expressions. the main challenge is to gain their trust so that they aren’t reacting (negatively) to your presence. and – you don’t have to direct them! possibly my favourite part of all 😉

and because a post without a photo is boring: here’s joshua…

auckland baby photographer

auckland baby photographer

auckland baby photographer

you might also remember him from such posts as this, this, this or this 😉

the gift… 12 feb ’10

Friday, February 12th, 2010

today, one of my cats left me a present. now, this is not the first occasion that i have received this gift, but today’s example was particularly cleverly placed.

in the past they have left me much more gory offerings:

* a very much alive and noisy (huge) cicada in the middle of the night, which i had to chase around the lounge for a good 20 minutes while it flew madly about yelling its head off with the cat vainly attempting to recapture it – quite deafening at 3 in the morning

* injured birds/mice in varying stages of expiration… in fact one bird spent some time recovering in the hot water cupboard and when we checked to see if it was ok it rapidly exited the box and flew straight back into the same (surprised) cat’s mouth, so we had to rescue it all over again

* many dead birds/mice (and pieces of such) both outside and inside the house *blergh*

* the time i heard growling in the kitchen, so i got up thinking a strange cat was fighting with one of mine, and instead i see a semicircle of my own cats looking at the other one who was holding large newly dead rat, which he dropped when he saw me and meowed, very pleased with himself *double blergh*

* the most noisome had to be the actual POO, bang outside the bedroom door one Christmas morning.
worst… present… ever.
all you ungrateful ppl who complain because you didn’t get the wii-fit, shopping mall gift vouchers or titanium bbq tools you asked for, have got nothing on that one. you didn’t get poo, be happy.

this time, my gift merely hindered road visibility for the entire journey and annoyed me whenever the sun caught it. so i’m sharing it with you… i’m sure all you cat-owners (and those who live next door to them!) can identify:

auckland pet photographer

bothering the cat… 22 jan ’10

Friday, January 22nd, 2010

sometimes my cats don’t much care for a big camera being stuck in their personal space (which is actually quite extensive when they are trying to sleep) but this time he played along, so i thought i’d share some pics.

from this perspective, looking into a cat’s eyes, you really get an idea of how mice and unwary birds feel just before their luck runs out!

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